When you host a live event for customers, your business can reap the benefits long after they head home. While your customers will enjoy their experience and interact with your products and team, you can ask for one valuable thing in exchange: their email addresses.
Collecting attendees’ email addresses is an essential marketing tool, allowing you to engage current customers and prospects. A live event provides the perfect opportunity to secure those important contact details.
Email is one of the most effective, low-cost methods of marketing, generating an average ROI of $36 per every dollar spent. It’s no surprise two-thirds of small businesses use email marketing and 78% stating it’s key to their success.
Ready to expand your email database? Here are five ways to leverage your event to grow and engage through email.
Digital technology makes it easier than ever for customers to share their email addresses. At the event, display QR codes that allow users to easily share their email, or place tablets around the event that offer quick sign ups. Make the process fun by offering a photo booth or digital photos sent directly to customers' emails. You get their contact details, and they leave with a digital keepsake. Make sure to include an option for attendees to opt in to regular emails from your business.
One surefire way to excite your crowd is by giving away a coveted prize, like a trip or complimentary products and services related to your business. To enter, attendees have to fill out a digital form, so you can get their email address, name, zip code, and other relevant first-party data. Offering a high-value prize not only draws a crowd but also helps you significantly expand your email database.
Ready to turbo-charge your email database and amplify your marketing reach? Federated Media’s marketing experts can connect you with event sponsorship opportunities to help you connect with consumers, grow your email database and generate sales. Contact us to learn more.