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Radio Drives Search. Can Your Business Be Found?

What’s the first thing you do before shopping at a new business? If you’re like most people, you probably Google them – and that’s exactly why your [...]

How To Choose Blog Topics That Connect With Your Audience

Whether you’re a seasoned blog writer or fresh on the scene, you’re likely to run into a major problem: not knowing what to write about.

3 Types of Emails Your Business Should Be Sending

Email marketing is one of the most effective techniques in an advertiser's toolbox. Consumers opt-in for email clubs, providing your business a [...]

The Difference Between Radio Listeners & Podcast Listeners

More Americans are listening to audio than ever, as local radio and podcasts expand the listening choices.

Who Listens To Sports Talk Radio?

Sports fans need a radio station to call home, and that’s exactly what 1380 The Fan is for. This station is what you turn on for the latest in [...]

The Value Of Integrating A Sweepstakes Into Your Radio Marketing

Sweepstakes are centered around the game of chance. What isn’t up to chance is how impactful they can be for your radio marketing.

Why You Should Stop Email Blasting Your Audience

Technology evolves, but email remains a top choice for reaching consumers. Americans check their email up to 20 times a day. But here's the catch: [...]

Email Marketing Metrics: Open Rate vs. Click-Through Rate

There’s no doubt your business wants its marketing to succeed. But how will you know if you’ve reached your goals if your efforts aren’t measurable?

How To Calculate the Value of a Lead for Your Business

When you invest in advertising, you want to see a strong return on that investment. Leads are crucial in determining success, but how do you measure [...]

Why 100 Leads Is More Valuable Than 1,000 Contacts

Leads and contacts alike are useful in the sales pipeline but, when it comes right down to it, leads will take you much further. Let’s find out why.

Who Listens To Hot A/C?

Hot A/C stations are the ones you turn your dial to when you want to hear the hot hits of today and those from the past 20 years. No, contrary to [...]

How SMS Fits into Your Overall Marketing Strategy

Everywhere you look, Americans are tapping out messages on their smartphones. Text messaging, or short messaging service (SMS), is one of Americans’ [...]

8 Biggest Mistakes In Email Marketing

Email marketing can be your business’ secret weapon, grabbing customers’ attention and generating leads and sales—if you do it right. When emails [...]

How To Build Your SMS Marketing Strategy

Also known as text message marketing, SMS marketing (AKA “short message service”) is one of the most effective ways to engage with your customers. [...]

The Importance Of A Consistent Message In A Political Year

Consistency is the secret sauce of a winning radio advertising strategy, and that’s even more important in an election year. Local businesses don’t [...]

5 Ways Local Businesses Can Stand Out In A Political Year

With Election Day looming, radio listeners are bombarded by a lot of political ads. But don’t fret; amid the noise, local businesses can successfully [...]

How Inflation Should Impact Your Marketing Strategy

Inflation affects absolutely everything. Nothing and no one is exempt.

Make The Most Of Your Marketing Dollars With These Tips

Everyone wants to make the most of their marketing budget. Even the smallest adjustments can make a big difference in your business’s revenue.

Who Listens To News/Talk Radio?

Beyond the weather, there’s one subject that most people bring up when small talk starts – the news.

Generational Marketing: How To Engage With Different Generations

Though there are commonalities that span across all ages, each generation has traits that set them apart from the others. When you use those traits [...]

7 Goals For Your Marketing Strategy

Marketing strategy goals are the stepping stones toward major business goals that affect your entire company. In order for them to have value, they [...]

How To Develop A Brand Style Guide

Consistency should be your number-one priority when it comes to your business’s brand. But how are you supposed to remain consistent over a number of [...]

How To Create An Effective Multimedia Marketing Campaign

Creating a multimedia marketing campaign is the most efficient way to maximize the ROI of your advertising. Multimedia campaigns allow you to reach [...]

How To Market Your Business In The Off-Season

As a business owner, you might dread the off season. After all, we all enjoy when business is booming and it can be disheartening when things slow [...]

Why Podcast Advertising Is More Valuable Than Ever

Podcast listening is at an all-time high as of 2024, with almost 100 million Americans (age 12 and older) listening to podcasts on a weekly basis.

Text Message Marketing 101: Getting The Most Out Of SMS

If your phone feels like a phantom limb, don’t be ashamed. Instead, rest assured that millions of other people feel the same. And, given that fact, [...]

Who Listens To Country Music Radio?

Country music listenership has changed a lot over the years. What was once a genre that attracted mostly its own superfans is becoming more and more [...]

6 Teams That Work On Your Federated Media Ad Campaigns

When you partner with Federated Media, rest assured that you’re in good hands. The reason we’re so thorough with the work that we do is because far [...]

7 Ways To Use AI To Improve Your Marketing

Artificial intelligence (AI) has made incredible advancements lately that could make marketing a whole lot more successful (and a whole lot easier).

Why Radio Is Great At Building Brand Awareness

It’s no secret that digital media creates brand awareness. But did you know that radio can be just as effective (if not more so, when paired with [...]

3 Multimedia Marketing Campaigns To Enhance Your Radio Commercials

If there’s one word you should remember when thinking about marketing strategies, it’s this: diversify! Using one tactic for all of your marketing [...]

6 Marketing Tactics That Pair Well With Radio

Being well-rounded is a great trait, in life and in advertising – namely within your campaigns that rely on radio commercials.

Radio Commercial Schedules: Choosing Dayparts When Your Spots Play

Imagine this: you’ve created the perfect radio ad. It has a great hook that grabs listeners’ attention for a big event happening at your business and [...]

How Live, Local Radio Talent Brings Extra Value To Advertisers

In a world where national satellite radio and AI-driven radio stations are common, we at Federated Media believe that live, local talent matters.

Who Listens To Rock Music Radio?

What comes to mind when you think of rock music? Let’s talk about who exactly is listening to rock radio in northern Indiana — and why your business [...]

8 Ways A Business Can Support A Nonprofit Beyond Writing A Check

Nonprofits are an essential part of the community, and supporting them is a wonderful way for your business to give back. Whether it’s a school, [...]

Corporate Social Responsibility: Why Your Business Needs To Partner With a Charity

Nowadays, it’s not just enough for businesses to offer a quality product or service at a fair price to earn customers. Now, consumers expect the [...]

How St. Jude Donations Help Children Worldwide

When you donate to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, no matter the amount, you make a positive impact on children’s lives all over the world.

How Planning Contests Annually Benefits Your Business

Most of us have entered an online contest in our lifetime. Whether you wanted to win a new coffee maker or a new deck, the idea of that prize tempted [...]

10 Tips For Planning Your Annual Marketing Budget

Planning a marketing budget looks different for every business, but no matter what, you must be ready for your plan to change (probably more than [...]

Why You Should Plan Your Marketing On An Annual Basis

Benjamin Franklin once said, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail” – and, while that’s relevant to many facets of business, it rings [...]

How Radio Should Fit Into Your Marketing Plan Next Year

It’s the last quarter of the year, and for many businesses, that means budget season. For marketing teams, that means deciding how much money to [...]

How Google Reviews Impact Where Your Business Appears in Search

Business owners and marketing managers aiming to have their business’s website appear on the first page of search engine results pages are often [...]

How Business Information Not On Your Website Impacts Your Revenue

In today's digital age, consumers often voice their questions directly to their smart device through a voice assistant like Alexa or Siri or apps [...]

The Power Of A Consistent Marketing Message

Consumers see thousands of advertisements and marketing messages every single day, between social media posts, radio ads, emails, targeted display [...]

Moving New Customers Through the Consumer Journey with First-Party Data

The way consumers make purchases has changed drastically over the years.

How To Ask Effective First Party Data Survey Questions

First-party data has always been a key to success for businesses, but it’s not just about collecting email addresses to toss in a bucket for later.

How Influencer Marketing Can Go Beyond Social Media

Influencer marketing is a powerful marketing tactic that puts a megaphone on an influential person’s recommendations. More than 5 billion people [...]

How To Work With Influencers

A social media influencer campaign combines the power of word-of-mouth referrals with the power of a social media ad. It’s like a personal [...]

Why Is Influencer Marketing So Effective?

As social media usage has exploded in the last decade, so too has the rise of social media influencers — people who partner with brands to promote [...]

How Influencers Can Help Your Cause Marketing Campaign

If you want to ensure your cause marketing campaign is reaching people, partnering with someone who has already earned the trust of loyal followers [...]

How To Launch A Cause Marketing Strategy

Cause marketing can make a huge impact for charities, your community and for your business, inside and out. While it involves a unique strategy, it [...]

Why Cause Marketing is Important For Your Business

Cause marketing is playing a bigger role in consumer consumption. In fact, a 2021 study from IBM Institute for Business Value found that 44% of [...]

Tips to Create Facebook Creative Ads

Facebook’s reach is massive and its ad platform offers businesses a valuable tool for reaching specific groups of customers. Their recent policy [...]

How Digital Marketing Helps Businesses & Why You Should Launch Your Strategy

Digital marketing is an incredibly accessible means of reaching customers because it puts you in contact with a wide group with little investment on [...]

Email Marketing Best Practices: 6 Things to Put in Place

Although some believe that email marketing is an outdated way to reach current and potential customers, it is still one of the best ways to get the [...]

How Video Marketing Benefits Any Business

Customers love video. Its popularity is soaring as more people spend time browsing and scrolling through their apps online. Businesses can benefit [...]

How Showing Off Your Culture Helps You Recruit and Retain Talent

Over the past couple of years, employers have likely noticed differences in prospective employee demands when looking to join a company. Employees no [...]

What Makes Facebook Video Unique Amongst Video Marketing

Video has established itself in online marketing, especially with the rise of social media. With the thriving success of TikTok, the social media [...]

SEO Algorithm's Evolution Over the Years

As search engines become increasingly sophisticated, their algorithms evolve accordingly and become more adept at bringing relevant, quality [...]

How to Keep Your Email Database Up-to-Date and Working for You

Email marketing is still one of the most effective tools available today, but an email marketing campaign requires a quality email database to [...]

Elements of an Intriguing Recruitment Ad

Now more than ever, companies need new employees. However, it takes time and effort to conduct recruiting amid all the other work tasks. Perhaps it [...]

How Google Analytics Continues to Evolve

Many business owners rely on Google Analytics for insight into their website traffic. Whether setting up search engine optimization or seeking site [...]

Tips for Pairing Blogs and Social Media to Maximize Engagement

Maintaining engagement with your customers is crucial for forming your base and nurturing ongoing relationships. Interacting with those in your area [...]

SEO Is a Valuable Strategy  but What Really is it?

SEO is frequently used and widely misunderstood as a term. However, SEO is a widely valuable tool in your marketing kit and one that could provide [...]

Tips to Incorporate Collecting First-Party Data into Your Existing Ad Campaigns

Due to privacy concerns, cookie tracking has gotten some negative coverage in recent years. Some companies have vowed to reduce business access to [...]

Increase Sales Using First-Party Data & Increase Customer Following

Data is central to business in many ways, and some types of data impact small businesses more than others. First-party data is among the most useful [...]

How to Write a Grant in 3 Easy Steps

Most nonprofit organizations rely on the generosity of a community of donors to support their mission. To provide even more services, nonprofits [...]

How To Help Your Business Stand Out From The Crowd When Recruiting

A lot of businesses are hiring right now. That means it’s more important than ever for your business to stand out from the crowd when recruiting [...]

Target A Superfan Base With Event Marketing

It can be incredibly challenging to connect with your audience in the modern digital landscape. Despite having fans connected through social media, [...]

Grow Your Email Marketing by Collecting First-Party Data

Data has always been a significant aspect of marketing, but these days, collecting and interpreting data is essential for businesses that want to [...]

Tips for Using Email Marketing to Collect First-Party Data

Not only an incredibly effective but also a cost-efficient tactic, email marketing is a cornerstone of many successful marketing strategies and [...]

Understanding the Future of Facebook Ads

The online world is constantly changing, and Facebook is preparing to make some big shifts itself. Aside from changing their name, they’re also [...]

How SEM Helps Service Companies Get Ahead of the Competition

E-commerce companies commonly use search engine marketing (SEM) to attract and engage customers. But SEM's potential extends far beyond a single [...]

How First-Party Data Grows Email Marketing (and Increases Your Subscribers)

Even email marketing established itself as a valuable marketing branch, providing a considerable return on investment while continuing to grow. Some [...]

Become an Industry Authority with Blogs

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an integral part of maximizing visibility online and helping customers find you, and because of this, adhering to [...]

Strategy Before Tactics: The Key to Building Your Business with Federated Media

In marketing, especially as a business owner, it's common to invest in projects by seeing what sticks. However, it's essential to know that just [...]

Streaming is the Future of Television

Gone are the days of network television's dominance over the airwaves. While cable's mass adoption spelled the beginning of the end, streaming [...]

Tips to Develop Your Recruitment Marketing Strategy

Even during the best times, it can be challenging to attract the talent you need. With employees on the hunt for the best job opportunities, it's [...]

12 Questions Federated Media Asks to Understand Their Client Needs (and Follow-Up)

Understanding a client's needs is the foundation of any successful business. Delivering results and helping customers relies on finding where [...]

How Podcasts and Blogs Fit Your Marketing Strategy

When most people think of content marketing, they probably think of blogs. However, the term is actually much broader, including many online [...]

Why Search Matters To Your Business

So much of the world today has transitioned online. More people rely on their phones and computers to find places to go and things to buy through [...]

How Federated Media Gets to Know Their Customers and Meet Their Needs

Businesses can learn a lot about a prospective media partner by their pitch. Some media partners roll right into their pitch deck as soon as [...]

How to Kick Your SEM up a Notch Using Negative Keywords

Most marketing professionals know keywords' importance to search engine marketing (SEM) efforts. Keywords help businesses gain a more prominent [...]

What's the Difference Between Video Targeting & OTT?

Video targeting and OTT are effective marketing tactics. While they are both visual mediums, they are entirely different when it comes to their [...]

Increase Your Digital Marketing ROI with Display Ad Campaigns

Just three decades ago, the Internet was a novelty, with only a few thousand sites and a few million people browsing for up to an hour on any given [...]

How to Build Your Brand with Social Media Engagement

Businesses must stop thinking of social media marketing from a sales perspective and instead approach it to engage customers.  Social media isn't [...]

Partnering with Federated Media Means Working with a Culture of Innovation

When you partner with Federated Media, you're partnering with a company with a history and a culture of innovation. Starting as a small radio [...]

How Your Digital Marketing Elevates Your Sales

Today, businesses need a digital presence more than ever before. The overwhelming majority (85 percent) of consumers research products or brands [...]

Why All OTT Ads are NOT Created Equal

With their rising popularity amongst advertisers, it’s crucial to remember streaming and over-the-top (OTT) service advertising is not a linear [...]

See the Federated Media Difference in Action (We're More than Radio)

Federated Media has been in the business of promoting companies like yours in the Fort Wayne and South Bend areas for decades now. We have helped [...]

Key Qualities to Look for in a Marketing Partner

The most effective marketing strategies should combine traditional media like radio, TV, and newspapers with digital avenues such as email marketing, [...]

How Has the Consumer Journey Evolved

Digital marketing reaches nearly every consumer in your company's target. Social media ads, display ads, and content marketing all play a role in [...]

Why Businesses Need an SEM Strategy Now More Than Ever Before

With consumers spending more time online than ever before, search engine marketing (SEM) has become an essential component of an effective marketing [...]

What is the True Purpose of Having a Business Blog?

Many brick-and-mortar retailers have invested in developing websites, social media pages, content, and blogs to establish an online presence. Today, [...]

What Website Fixes Can Lower Your Blog's Bounce Rate

Your company's website is a vital component of a successful marketing strategy. Of course, it's not enough to attract visitors to your site. You also

How Impressions Differ Between Targeted Ads and SEM

When a user sees or hears an advertisement, it is called an impression. In digital, impressions occur anytime someone opens an app or loadsa web [...]

Why You Need A Dedicated Social Media Manager

In the early days of social media marketing, many business owners simply added that responsibility to their existing marketing team. However, doing [...]

How To Plan A Successful Outdoor Event

There’s a lot of planning and attention to detail that goes into making sure you’ve planned a successful outdoor event. If you do everything right, [...]

How to Keep Customers Happy While Your Supplies are Low

It's no secret that the worldwide supply chain and worker shortage issues have resulted in decreased output and heightened demand from customers. [...]