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Why You Should Stop Email Blasting Your Audience

Technology evolves, but email remains a top choice for reaching consumers. Americans check their email up to 20 times a day. But here's the catch: personalization beats generic blasts every time.

Your subscribers have entrusted you with their info—use it wisely. While a generic email blast might seem easy, personalized messages drive real results. Personalized emails see 29% higher open rates and 41% higher click rates than bulk messages.

Younger consumers, too, prefer personalized content—60% of Millennials and 50% of Gen Z.

It’s time to embrace customized messages that speak to your customers’ wants, needs, and preferences.

Worried about crafting hundreds of tailored emails? Don’t be. Email marketing platforms can streamline this. Just remember, effective personalization requires strategic audience segmentation. Make each email feel like a personal chat in the breakroom, not a broadcast.

Here are a few tried and true practices:

Personalized email subject line

When users see their names in the subject line, they take notice. Personalized subject lines deliver 26 percent higher open rates. 

Segment audiences for better engagement

You can segment your email list into groups by location, gender, shopping preferences, or activities (to name a few). The more detailed your targeting, the more relevant it will feel to customers, boosting open rates and engagement.

Analyze purchase history

When you dig into your customers’ purchase history, you’ll find nuggets of valuable information for targeting emails. For example, a pet store can see who buys dog or cat food, accessories, and toys or pays for services like grooming or nail trims. From there, you can send specific messages with promotions, discounts, or new products relevant to shoppers’ needs. 

You can also segment by most recent purchases, frequent shoppers, or consumers who haven’t engaged with you in some time.  

Create a VIP list

You can reward your most loyal customers by creating a list of VIPs. Send this select group special offers, discounts, or contest opportunities. 

Explore opportunities along the consumer journey

Analyzing your customer data can reveal groups in different stages of the consumer journey, including casual browsing, gathering information, comparing prices and offers, and considering a purchase. Use that information to craft relevant emails that sway readers to take the next step.

Remind them to complete purchases

Online shoppers are notorious for adding items to their carts and walking away. If your system detects abandoned carts, it can trigger email reminders nudging customers to complete their orders. For added motivation, include a discount offer or free shipping. 

Personalized emails make customers feel valued and boost your business. At Federated Media, our multimedia marketing specialists can craft a tailored email strategy and analyze your campaign metrics to refine your plan. Take it from us, and leave those generic blasts in the past. Reach out to Federated Media today to get started.

Written by Federated Media