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Where Does Social Media Fit In your Marketing Strategy?

Social media shouldn’t be your whole marketing plan, but it does play a valuable role. Think of it as a necessary tool, but not the entire toolbox. [...]

Tips to Create Facebook Creative Ads

Facebook’s reach is massive and its ad platform offers businesses a valuable tool for reaching specific groups of customers. Their recent policy [...]

What Makes Facebook Video Unique Amongst Video Marketing

Video has established itself in online marketing, especially with the rise of social media. With the thriving success of TikTok, the social media [...]

The Type Of Media Moms Love

Americans spend a lot of time consuming media throughout their day. A recent study shows that American adults are consuming 666 minutes of media each [...]

The Power Of Sports Fans For Marketing

Sports are part of daily life for billions of people around the world. Nearly half of all Americans consider themselves sports fans, and 25% consider [...]