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Who Listens To Sports Talk Radio?

Sports fans need a radio station to call home, and that’s exactly what 1380 The Fan is for. This station is what you turn on for the latest in sports, including area high school games, local minor league teams and national professional leagues.

The Fan At A Glance

Die-hard sports fans head over to The Fan on weekday afternoons to hear Brett Rump talk Sports Rush. You can also catch national favorites including The Dan Patrick Show and The Herd with Colin Cowherd.

The Fan knows how important it is for sports fans to keep their fingers on the pulse of all their favorite teams, which is why they have the news on Purdue football, men’s basketball, Notre Dame football, Indianapolis Colts, Fort Wayne TinCaps, and Purdue Fort Wayne men’s basketball.

They cover more than the pros and college teams, too. The Fan has the latest updates on high school football, basketball, and hockey, because hometown sports are just as important as the teams everyone in the nation knows! 

The station boasts over 14,500 weekly listeners, covers 45 miles and spans across a 6-county metro area. 


It probably won’t surprise you to learn that most listeners of The Fan are male. A whopping 85.6% of listeners are men, which should speak to what types of advertisements perform well on the station. That’s not to say that ladies don’t enjoy sports radio, though, because the women that make up the other 14.4% of listeners are still highly engaged with the station. 

Data shows that sports listeners are most often Baby Boomers and members of Gen X, as a big chunk are over 55 (32.4%), and the next-highest age bracket is the 35-44 year-olds, sitting at 23.9%. 

Employment and Income

Many sports/talk radio fans are employed full time. Over half of The Fan’s listeners are full-time workers – 57.7% of them, to be exact. It’s also important to note that almost 21% of them are retired. A chunk that size can make a notable impact on your marketing message

As for income, about 30% of listeners make between $50k-$75k and around 28% make over $150k per year, which puts most in the middle/upper class. 

Marriage, Homeownership, and Education

Many sports radio fans are married. There’s a specific image that many people have in mind for what these listeners look like – and that often includes a spouse. If that was your assumption, know that you’re correct! 80.9% of listeners are married, and 11.4% are divorced. 

Many listeners are either childless or empty-nesters, as 76.4% say they have 0 people under 18 years old living in their households, and 89% own their homes. 

Sports talk fans are also an educated bunch. 40.4% have a college degree (or higher), 34.1% have some college under their belt, and 23.1% have a high school diploma or GED. These guys know a lot about many topics beyond sports!  

1380 The Fan and The Community

Sports radio does more than talk; the station also makes a point to get involved in the community. They not only offer Fox Sports, but they offer the most sports in Fort Wayne, and they boast the most local coverage of high school sports in the region. That’s full-time coverage you can’t get anywhere else! 

Advertising on 1380 The Fan

At Federated Media, we give you the inside scoop on the behaviors of the station listeners to give you a better understanding of how to advertise to these audiences – whether that’s digitally or traditionally. To get an even more comprehensive look at the listeners of The Fan, check out their statistics page or get in touch with us for more information. 

Written by Federated Media