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How To Create An Effective Multimedia Marketing Campaign

Creating a multimedia marketing campaign is the most efficient way to maximize the ROI of your advertising. Multimedia campaigns allow you to reach clients where they’re at (expanding your own reach as well), increase your ROAs, and test new mediums. 

You already know that a multimedia marketing campaign incorporates a number of different media types delivered to a spread of varying channels. But do you know how to create a campaign that’s successful? 

Your Best Multimedia Marketing Campaign

Your multimedia marketing campaign should have a careful, thought-out strategy behind it. Let’s discuss the steps to include in your plan.

Identify Your Audience 

Figuring out your ideal customers is the first step. Define your target audience’s:

  • Demographic (age, gender, household income, education level, etc.)
  • Location
  • Buying habits
  • Motivations
  • Preferences

Along with this, think about how your ideal customer interacts with your business. Is it through social media, in person, online, or another way? 

Getting to know your customer base on a deep level is crucial to building your customer profile.

Lay Out Your Objective

While you may be advertising through multiple mediums, you should start with one goal. And make it specific! 

To make a marketing goal, think along the lines of upping your sales for a certain service or product, registering more people for an event, getting more entries for a contest, or acquiring more leads. 

Once you achieve your first goal, you can move on to the next. But make sure your goals are always S.M.A.R.T. — that is, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound! 

Understand How To Use Your Media

Now that you know your customers, you have to know your media – and how to use it. 

Understand what each component of multimedia entails and what sector of your audience wants to see it. For example, video content is effective across the board. Almost every demographic enjoys video content and engages with it. Radio commercials are great for reaching a local audience and connecting with a station’s loyal listeners. Social media is great for connecting with online audiences on their favorite platforms.

The best plan of attack is to combine multiple channels and spread your media far and wide. You might create reels for Facebook and Instagram, a dedicated radio commercial campaign on two stations, a digital display campaign targeting a specific audience and an OTT campaign so you can reach a targeted audience of consumers watching streaming video.

Make sure that no matter what medium you’re using, you fit your message to the medium instead of creating generic content or ads across a huge number of channels. 

Make A List Of Creative Assets 

Multimedia means multiple open tabs in your brain. To keep yourself organized, make a list of the assets you’ll need for each medium. 

For example, if you’re creating a video, you’ll need a script, a theme, graphics, and branding materials. Social media posts call for images and clever copy. Radio ads call for a tight script. Keep track of what you need for all the media your campaign calls for to reduce your stress level as you piece them together. 

Place Your Ads

After you’ve created your ads, it’s time for them to go live on their respective channels. Keep your target audience in mind as you place your parameters. Working with a dedicated marketing partner can ensure your ads are being delivered in the right places and at the right time, no matter the platform.

Stay Consistent

A one-time multimedia campaign may give you good results, but being consistent across time can ensure you maximize your reach and ROI.

To see the results you want, remain consistent with your campaigns. To stay on top of that, we recommend creating a content calendar that houses the schedule for your blog posts, emails, videos, and other marketing tactics so you know what is happening and when. The more (valuable) content you post, the more engaged your audience will be, and the bigger your brand will grow.

Analyze The Data

There are always ways to learn from your metrics, even while your campaigns are still running. Don’t be afraid to make changes, either! Just make sure to make changes one at a time so you can measure the impact of what you shifted. Using what you learn as you go along will make your campaigns stronger. 

Get It Done With Multimedia

Think of all the ways that you consume media in a day. Your customers are consuming just as much, which creates the perfect chance to get your word out there. If you do it right, your multimedia marketing campaign will stand out from the crowd and pique your customers’ interest – which means an increase in traffic and revenue for your business

Don’t know where to begin? Federated Media can help. Simply reach out to our team of marketing experts and we’ll help you get the ball rolling. 

Written by Federated Media