Radio stations are known for being “live and local” and your business can also share in that winning strategy. When you invite a radio station and popular DJ to host a live broadcast from your business – also known as a “live radio remote” – you take over the airways and your business becomes our community studio.
For two hours, we broadcast from your business and a popular host is on-site as your special guest. It creates unrivaled opportunities to speak directly to listeners and blends the power of local radio’s popularity with the impact of in-person engagement.
Radio remotes push the boundaries of traditional advertising. Our top hosts come to your business or partner event, set up shop, and promote your brand through mentions, anecdotes, and conversations with your team before and after commercial breaks.
These live broadcasts can also attract new customers or loyal clients to your location or event, creating valuable opportunities to boost brand engagement and conversion.
Sound good? We thought so. Maximizing the value of your radio remote requires thoughtful planning and attention to detail. With years of experience staging successful live remotes, we know the secret sauce to make them a hit. Here’s what you need to know:
#1: Choose the Right Station and Hosts
Want to connect with your target customers? Partner with the radio stations and hosts they trust. Loyal listeners make radio part of their daily routine—on their commute, at work, and in the evenings—and they have strong connections with their favorite DJs and personalities. By aligning with those familiar voices, your business becomes part of their world.
And don’t worry if their top stations aren’t on your presets—a successful radio remote is all about meeting your audience where they are.
#2: Plan Your Takeover
When we’re on-site, it’s your time to shine! During the live radio remote, your business is the star. Your staff can take the mic and speak directly to our listeners. Forget pre-recorded spots; during commercial breaks, you’ll be live on air with opportunities to tell your story and spotlight products and promotions.
Our hosts can “interview” your staff about their role and favorite moments, take listeners on a tour, or ask customers what they love about your business. While we love these moments to speak freely on air, we would like to meet in advance and plan how to best use your live moments.
#3: Create a Great Experience On-Air and In-Person
Whether your goal is to “own the airwaves” and maximize on-air promotion or attract visitors to your event (or maybe both!), generating excitement on the radio is key to a successful live broadcast.
A strong on-air presence generates excitement and grabs listeners’ attention, making it unforgettable. Give the hosts compelling content to discuss on-air, whether that’s sharing your exciting products and promotions, compelling stories, or involvement in the community.
While they’re at it, hosts can invite listeners to come to your event and experience your business for themselves.
A live remote is a great opportunity to show (not tell) how your business interacts with people if the remote is happening during an exciting in-person event. Offer attendees something they can’t get anywhere else, like prize giveaways, free product samples, live demonstrations, or a chance to meet a local celebrity, like a star athlete or coach.
Leading up to the remote, our radio hosts can promote your exciting offerings, generating more buzz and giving you more bang for your buck. The on-air experience sets the stage for a successful live remote.
#4: Incorporate Social Media
Social media can take your radio remote to the next level. In the days leading up to your event, we’ll promote it on-air, online, and via targeted emails and texts. Our DJs can also share details on their social platforms.
Make it more than just a promo—create entertaining videos for Facebook, Instagram and TikTok or go live on YouTube with a fun, interactive segment that showcases the host’s personality and your business. Give the host the keys for a test drive or invite them to help your team with a window replacement. A behind-the-scenes tour, live giveaway, or demo makes it engaging. After the event, you can repost and share the social content, extending the life of your promotion.
Pro tip: Amplify the buzz by posting event details, using in-store signage, and inviting your audience through email and social channels. The more excitement you generate, the more successful your event will be.
Partner With Us For A Successful Remote
Ready to host a successful live broadcast? Federated Media’s marketing specialists can help design, plan, and execute an engaging, interactive event that showcases your company and achieves your marketing goals. We’ll help you maximize our live, local experiences for your success. Contact us today to learn more about live radio remote opportunities.