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The Importance Of A Consistent Message In A Political Year

Consistency is the secret sauce of a winning radio advertising strategy, and that’s even more important in an election year. Local businesses don’t have to get drowned out by political noise. Your messages can stand out! 

As Election Day approaches, radio listeners will be hearing a lot of political ads. That’s where you, local businesses, step in as a break from the chaos. You’re a friendly, familiar voice — and it works to your advantage.

Radio listeners recognize local businesses that regularly advertise on their favorite stations. Your taglines and music are catchy. That connection drives consumer awareness, recognition, and loyalty, the very ingredients for successful advertising.

To remain seen (well, heard) during the political frenzy, remember these tips:  

Consistency is Key

When listeners tune into their favorite stations, they expect to hear from you, the regular advertisers. Lean into that expectation. Remind listeners that you’re part of their community. Keep your message, voice, music, and tagline consistent. Consistency means reliability, and that creates trust and loyalty. 

Frequency Builds Familiarity

Frequency is your friend. The more listeners hear your message, the stronger it resonates. Maintaining a regular schedule keeps your business top of mind, so be there during the morning drive, midday, and afternoon commute when listeners expect to hear from you.  You want to be the first call when their pipes burst or when it’s time to open a new bank account.  

Keep Radio Dialed In

Don’t take your foot off the gas!  Election season is not the time to tag out. You’ve worked hard to build deep connections with listeners. Radio listenership is consistent during the political season, which makes it important to continue showing up for listeners. A dedicated radio schedule builds brand recognition and purchase intent, especially if your ads include a call-to-action that drives listeners to your brick-and-mortar store or website. 

Don’t Forget Digital 

Digital advertising amplifies your radio campaigns, and political season is no exception. When you steadily support your radio ads with digital and social media marketing, including email marketing, video and display ads, SEM, and SEO, you stay top-of-mind with customers and separate from the political noise. 

Local businesses can be winners during the political season, and Federated Media can help you achieve your goals. Reach out to us today!

Written by Federated Media