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3 Types of Emails Your Business Should Be Sending

Written by Federated Media | October 01, 2024

Email marketing is one of the most effective techniques in an advertiser's toolbox. Consumers opt-in for email clubs, providing your business a direct line to their inboxes. 

Once customers join your email club, they’re more likely to take action. One-third of consumers say they will likely purchase something after email marketing. 

With that level of engagement, it’s no wonder two-thirds of small businesses use email to reach their customers.  

Email marketing is effective and low-cost; specific styles can move your customers through the marketing funnel to achieve your campaign goals. 

Here are three types of emails your business should send and how they help your campaign goals. 

Welcome and Thank You Notes

Customers like to feel appreciated, particularly when they share personal information like emails. Your business can reward them for their loyalty with welcome notes for signing up for your email club. 

You can send a thank-you message when customers purchase from your website or a brick-and-mortar location or post testimonials on your website or social media. If you include a promotional code or discount, that’s even better!

Welcome and thank you emails make customers feel seen and appreciated, building loyalty and increasing engagement.

Pro tip: Personalizing the subject and message increases your open rates!  

Triggered Emails 

When your customers take a particular action, your business can follow up with targeted, detailed emails, also known as triggered marketing. Triggered emails can be sent after events or actions. For example, if a customer signs up for a contest you’re running, you can set up an email to automatically send them that thanks them for their entry. You can email a discount for their next purchase if they buy something. 

Most email platforms can send automated messages based on actions or predefined conditions, such as demographics or purchase history.

Triggered emails can be sent throughout the marketing funnel, gently nudging consumers to take action. For instance, reminder messages help customers take action. If shoppers leave items in their shopping carts, a triggered email can remind them to finish checking out and offer free shipping. 

To complete the purchase cycle, after the customer completes a purchase, the system can send a confirmation note.

Follow Up Messages

Consistently engaging with your customers is crucial to any marketing success; email is a powerful tool to keep your brand on their radar.  

Follow-up emails extend your relationship with customers and keep your business at the forefront of your mind. For example, if you’ve sent an email about a contest to win a complimentary service or discount, follow up with customers who didn’t win, and share news about upcoming promotions. 

Another way to reengage is to send follow-up messages with updates on new offerings, such as a grand opening of a new location or an expanded menu of services. 

These extra interactions help build brand loyalty, increase customer awareness, and drive repeat business. 

Ready to Maximize Your Email Marketing?   

Federated Media’s marketing specialists can help your business outline an email marketing strategy that maximizes your ad budget and helps drive sales. We can craft triggered email campaigns, set up contact forms, build your email list, and design email messages that customers will open and read. Reach out today for more information.