Blog | Federated Media

5 Ways Local Businesses Can Stand Out In A Political Year

Written by Federated Media | June 17, 2024

With Election Day looming, radio listeners are bombarded by a lot of political ads. But don’t fret; amid the noise, local businesses can successfully connect with consumers, and radio has the tools to help you stand out.  

Radio reaches the biggest audience of any audio platform, and fans are loyal to their favorite stations and radio hosts. We can help leverage that to your advantage and hit your business goals.  

Here are five ideas to grab attention and connect with customers:

Activate Radio’s Popular Personalities 

Our radio hosts are local celebrities and they live, play and work in your community. Our listeners trust them and appreciate their suggestions, and their popularity creates a halo effect to help your business thrive.  

Lean into those strong bonds by using radio personalities as influencers to endorse your product with live reads on-air and recorded endorsements. They can also create content featuring your product or services for their social media pages, where their most loyal followers connect with them.

The most effective endorsements allow the hosts to share their authentic experience after they’ve used your product or service. Trust the host to talk to their audience in their own voice, rather than focusing too much on the talking points you want to promote. They know how to move their audience to buy more than anyone else.

The Power of Live and Local

Our local stations are well-known brands in their communities, and joining forces helps generate excitement for your business. Our stations can broadcast remotely from your location and invite listeners to join the party.  

Need more star power? Our hosts can stop by your store or event and engage with fans in person. We can generate more hype by publicizing your events on our social media pages and through emails sent to our databases of loyal listeners.

Who Doesn’t Love a Prize?

Radio excels at generating buzz and excitement among fans, making it a valuable asset for brands. We can design custom promotions to spotlight your brand and get audiences excited. Our expansive toolkit includes contests, text promotion campaigns, and promo codes, and each one can drive listeners to engage with your business.

Tell Your Local Story

Politicians aren’t the only ones who talk about themselves on air. Local businesses can create radio spots reminding listeners about their ties to the local community. Talk about your local roots, the business’ history, community service, and any other local ties. Tell stories that set your business apart from competitors, and get listeners’ attention. Your community-focused approach and likely calmer tone than political ads will really stand out.

Get Creative with Your Ads

One of radio’s greatest strengths is its ability to create a theater of the mind. Through sound, listeners form vivid images and stories in their imagination. In contrast to the talk-heavy political ads, your business can stand out by getting creative with sound.

Developing a signature sound, or sonic brand, can trigger strong associations for your audience. This could be a catchy piece of music, a memorable tagline, or a distinctive voice. While jingles may seem old-fashioned, they are both memorable and highly effective. Go ahead and get creative!

At Federated Media, we can help your business cut through the political clutter and connect with local consumers. Between our 10 radio stations and our digital marketing platforms, including social media, digital video and display, SEO and SEM, can get your business noticed during this competitive season.