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How to Incorporate Email Marketing into Any Campaign

Among all marketing strategies, email marketing comes with the highest ROI. For each dollar you spend on your email marketing campaign, you can get $42 in return. By adding email marketing tactics into your promotional efforts, you can drive customer acquisition and retention.

When you combine email marketing with your radio campaign, it's possible to achieve higher ROI and improve the company's bottom line.

But this all depends on correctly incorporating email marketing into your current campaign.

Offer an Incentive for Signing Up for Your Email List

A solid email list is a key to the success of your email marketing campaign. Building a list from scratch can be time-consuming. However, once you have it, you get access to prospects with high conversion potential.

Here are a few ways to build your email list:

  • Offer valuable content in exchange for an email address. It could be white papers, e-books, guides, and other professionally written articles that help potential customers address their pain points.
  • Set up a rewards program. Participation in the program should require sharing an email address. More than 70% of consumers say that loyalty programs are an important part of their brand relationships.
  • Use QR codes.  At brick-and-mortar locations, you can create banners with QR codes that make signing up for your newsletters, loyalty programs, etc. easy.

Consumers are usually reluctant to share their personal information. A valuable incentive can help them make a decision.  

Craft a Catchy Subject Line

The email subject line is a powerful first impression tool. It can make a difference between a conversion and a spam folder. The subject line must be informative, personalized, and unique. To make it catchy, consider doing the following:

  • Include the discount, sale, or promotion.
  • Pose a question that addresses the audience's pain points.
  • Make sure it spikes curiosity.
  • Capitalize on FOMO (Fear of Missing Out).
  • Avoid false promises.
  • Run a/b tests.

Keep in mind that 69% of people report emails as spam based solely on the subject line. So the quality of yours must be high.


Offer Useful Information

In 2020, spam accounted for 53.95% of all email traffic. A legit email can end up in a spam folder if it fails to interest the recipient, hurting your sender's score and reputation. To keep this from happening, it's imperative to work on the quality of the content.

  • Make sure the content is personalized for each customer or customer segment.
  • Create catchy and informative intros.
  • Include a clear CTA (Call to Action).

Check each sentence of your email message to make sure it carries value.

Pro tip: Make sure to comply with the CAN-SPAM act to avoid blacklisting issues.

Schedule Emails to Go Out At Strategic Times

Automation is an integral part of your email marketing campaign. It can help you save time and money while ensuring smooth integration with other marketing tactics.

Emails should coincide with important milestones in a  campaign. You can send emails to:

  • Announce sales.
  • Remind customers about yourself after a key radio spot airs.
  • Inform about a promotion.
  • Announce a new store opening.
  • Introduce a new product.

Sending out emails at strategic times also involves "catching" customers when they are highly likely to read them. Studies show that the best time to send an email is on Tuesday at 10.00 am (after the consumer arrived at work and finished the morning meetings).

However, the time may differ for different segments of your target audience. You can a/b test email sending times to come up with the perfect one for your clients.

Include Your Other Marketing Creative in the Email

When incorporating email marketing into your campaign, you can take advantage of the existing creative. This can make sure the strategy fits seamlessly into other aspects of your marketing efforts.

  • Keep the tone of voice consistent across all channels, including email, website content, radio spots, etc.
  • Add links to the recent radio spots so recipients can listen to what they may have missed.
  • Embed blogs, articles, images, videos, and other content you've used for other marketing purposes into your emails.

It's easy to repurpose the majority of your content for an email marketing campaign. This helps minimize expenses.

Include Links to Your Social Profiles

Integrated marketing is essential to attain high conversion and retention rates. More than 70% of consumers want a consistent experience across all channels, but only 29% say they get it.  

To improve the multichannel service, you can include links to your social profiles in your email messages. It can help the client interact with your brand across all available channels, thus increasing the chances of conversions and growing your following.

Making Email Marketing an Integral Part of Your Campaign  

Email marketing can be a highly productive initiative. Supplementing your radio campaign with these tactics can help you improve conversion and retention rates while increasing brand awareness.

If you are working with a media partner, they can help implement email marketing strategies into your campaign seamlessly. Additionally, they can promote your brand to their email subscribers, expanding your reach.

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Written by Federated Media